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!!!# Llibres per a treballar a casa en família Lectures: * "La reina de los besos" * " El llibre del drac" * "Los 12 abrigos de mamá" * "El libro de mamá maravilla" Lectures breus per treballar les emocions * Emocionario. Palabras aladas [| URL Botiga] * Amar. Palabras aladas + {file type="gallery" fileId="41" showicon="y"} Contes: * De gran vull ser... feliç 1. Anna Morato García [|URL] * De gran vull ser... feliç 2. Anna Morato García [|URL] * [|Contes de bona nit per a nenes rebels] (Contes per a l'empoderament de les nenes) * [|Un cistell de cireres. Set contes petits per fer-nos grans] !!!!-# Guia de virtudes para la família - Linda Popov (UNESCO) Guía de virtudes para la familia. Popov, Linda Kavelin; Popov, Dan; Kavelin, John. 1997. Llibre educatiu patrocinat per la UNESCO. {img src=""} Més informació en anglès: {QUOTE()} Reseña del editor Through a collection of fifty-two virtues, one for each week of the year, Popov instructs parents how to teach morals and ethics to their young children, including such values as trust, caring, humility, and generosity. Original. Contraportada The most important job parents have is to pass basic virtues on to their children, and this invaluable book is designed to help make that job a little easier. Compiled by The Virtues Project, an international organization dedicated to inspiring spiritual growth in young and old alike, this multicultural, interfaith handbook shows parents and teachers how to turn words into actions and ideals into realities. Drawn from the world's religions, the 52 virtues included here - one for each week of the year - nurture togetherness in family life. The simple strategies, which explain what a virtue is, how to practice it, and signs of success, will engage children of all ages in an exciting process of growth and discovery. This important book shows you how to learn the language of integrity and self-esteem, understand the five roles parents play, discover ways to introduce sacred time into family life, and help children make moral choices. The Family Virtues Guide gives adults and children the tools for spiritual and moral growth. Join the thousands of families discovering simple practices for bringing out the best in each other by sharing The Family Virtues Guide. Biografía del autor LINDA KAVELIN POPOV is the author of The Family Virtues Guide and is one of the founders and directors of the Virtues Project International. She travels around the world in support of the project’s initiatives, speaking to communities, businesses, and governmental organizations. The United Nations Secretariat has honored the Virtues Project as a model for global reform for people of all cultures. She lives in the Gulf Islands near Victoria, British Columbia. {QUOTE} Existeix també el llibre paral·lel amb material pedagògic per a educadors: !!!!# L'art d'educar amb amor - Xavier Caparrós. {img src=""} isbn:9788499757780 autor:Caparrós, Xavier editorial:Pagès idioma:Català numero de paginas:220 edició:2016 !!!!# "Cómo Hablar Para Que Sus Hijos Le Escuchen Y Cómo Escuchar Para Que Sus Hijos Le Hablen (NIÑOS Y ADOLESCENTES) !!!!# "Mi niño no me come" - Carlos González !!!!# "Creciendo juntos: De la infancia a la adolescencia con cariño y respeto" - Carlos González !!!!# "Educar mejor: Once conservaciones para acompañar a familias y maestros" - Carles Capdevila !!!!# "GUIA PER A MARES I PARES QUE NO SÓN PERFECTES I CRIATURES QUE NO HAN DE SER-HO" - TANIA GARCIA-CARO SANCHEZ
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